This was actually a really hard rating to do, because I enjoyed all the projects immensely. The least well-rated one is still a solid 7/10 in my mind.
1 - Bolex Shoot
2 - Rhythmic Editing
3 - Multi-Plane Animation
4 - 16mm Film Manipulation
5 - Freestyle Assignment
6 - Crowdsourcing
My favorite assignment was the Bolex Shoot, even though we did have to come in on a Saturday to shoot (the one down side). It felt really fun and creative and stimulating, and the in-class presentation with the extra sensory element was super cool both to execute and experience. It was also awesome to work with an actual film camera to record the video, because you don't have a chance to do that in many classes here.
My least favorite was the crowdsourcing assignment simply because it felt like a lot of busywork, and I didn't feel creative and skilled enough with my materials to perform consistently over 40 separate full frames. It's really awesome to have been part of that final product, but I think the assignment could be changed to make it more interactive as the students seek outside help to crowdsource something of meaning.
As far as the middle four assignments go, I had a lot of fun with my partner shooting footage for the Rhythmic Edit, and I wish I had had more patience to manipulate the footage further in the editing process! But I actually like combining shots according to graphic similarities, and the end results were all very interesting to watch, so I really enjoyed the assignment.
The multi-plane was tedious, but once a good rhythm was established, my group had a lot of fun with it. Same thing with the Film Manipulation assignment. Overall it was fun to work in these mediums, they just weren't as fun as the first two!
The Freestyle came in at number 5 because I didn't feel like I could think of a good idea for mine. Actually I'm pleased with how my final project turned out, but I struggled for a long time with my initial idea, and ended up changing it in the end anyway. But it's an interesting idea anyway and a good way to drum up new ideas for projects!